Friday, June 11, 2010

The Kinks in Creating

Hello everyone!  Thanks for joining in!  Let's see, where did I leave off? Oh yes, I had gotten the creative itch, and a desperate need to scratch it.  After finding Violette's book, I found her website online.  Luckily, she was offering an e-course.  I had never taken an e-course, but I wanted to jump in with both feet!  So I enrolled, and had an amazing time playing and trying out new methods of art that I had never tried before.  I am so grateful to that book and that that e-course!

But I wasn't finished there!  This started my sick addiction to art books.  Over the past year I have single-handedly helped Barnes and Noble, as well as Amazon stay afloat in these tough economic times!  But each of these books have added to my inspiration and excitement.  Kelly Rae Roberts' book was the second one I bought.  It was the one that helped me to actually fly!  While Violette's book helped me spread my wings, Kelly's really got me in the air!  I spent the last part of last summer just soaring on my creative high!  Nothing could bring me down!

Then school came.  I am a teacher of English, and I love my job.  The students and staff at my school are completely amazing!  But being a teacher is a tough job that involves many more hours than I spend at work.  During the school year I had a really rough time keeping my creativity up in the air.  Luckily I had some very creative supporters who helped keep me going.  I would bring work to school and show some of my fellow teachers (you know who you are!  Thank you!) what I had created.  I even sold a couple of pieces to a great lady.  Still, it was difficult, and will probably remain difficult.  However, I am not willing to let it break me.  I found that I could still work on my art in the evenings, but again I had  a problem with clean up.  Our dining room table was often littered with art supplies and projects (not only mine, but also my six-year-old-daughter's - she loves to create with me as well!).  My husband was not fond of all of this clutter.  Plus, as I know I am a messy person by nature, it probably did get way out of hand.  But what could I do?  I was not willing to stop creating.

Well, let me start by saying I have an amazing husband!  He and I are complete opposites, but I think that helps us to "get" each other's important things better.  After a couple of months of complaining about the mess (at the end of summer), we decided that I needed my own space.  But how?  Where?  Any art room I had ever had was now taken over by our daughter and her toys (totally worth it by the way).  So my husband built me my own art cottage!  It's not large, but it's beautiful, and my favorite place to be.  In the next few days I will post some pictures of it.  Be aware, it is not complete in its decorative charm.  My husband did a fabulous job of building and converting a small shed into a relaxing oasis of art.  In between art projects I have been working on decorating.  However, it is very slow going.  I don't mind though.  Every good thing takes a while.  I just need to be patient.  So I will add pictures as I add decor.

Once my art cottage was built, I would spend as much time out there as possible.  I live in Indiana, so winter days do leave the need for sunshine.  This cottage was/is my sunshine.  My husband insulated it and bought me a small heater so that I could stay warm and work out there.  He did such a nice job, that even when the heater is off, my paints and supplies do not freeze!  This really helped in my creative quest.  Once the art house was built, I knew I could leave all of my supplies out and not have to worry about someone complaining about it.  My daughter even has her own work table out there!  This made the school year a little bit easier.  Still, it was tough not to shirk my teacher responsibilities for my art habit.  I just wanted to be out in the cottage all of the time.  But it wasn't always possible.

Over the course of the year I read several art books.  I will put a list of them on the sideboard with a link to the artist's website, or where you can buy the book.  Right now I am doing the Walking in this World program.  It is very inspiring, and has helped me to grasp hold of so many realities about the world of creativity.  I highly suggest reading it and participating in the journey.  At the moment I am also taking my second e-course.  This one is on starting a creative business, and it is being given by one of my favorite artists, and overall inspiring women Kelly Rae Roberts.  The course is entitled Flying Lessons, and it offers so much more than just creating your own creative business.  This course has also helped me evolve as an artist - though not without its ups and downs.  We artists are such emotional people (Hallelujah!)!

Well, that's my story so far.  You have been quickly brought up to date on how my creative life has unfolded.  Stay tuned to see what other ramblings come from this wacky mind (because you ain't seen nothin' yet!)...See you soon!


  1. Wow........your own art exciting....i can't wait to see some pictures.

    Glad to hear you are taking Kelly Rae's e-class - it sounds intriguing.

    Love, Violette

  2. Thanks Violette! Thank you for everything. You are a very inspiring person, and I am grateful that you came into my life when you did!

    I'll get those pictures posted soon!

  3. I'm here for you... when you are ready to expand the ArtHaus! .... xoxo

  4. Hi Mrs.Steele! It's me Elizabeth if you didn't realize who I was. After seeing that amazing book you showed me last year, I think I'll go look at the other books. Now I'll have even more of a mess (which my mom will not appreciate) Oh well, it will be fun.

  5. Elizabeth, if it calls to you, go for it! But try to keep it organized for your mom. At least a little. :)
